I am very thankful to my personal learning network on Twitter. As I research ways that I can serve my community of teachers and students using technology, my Twitter personal learning network has become an indispensable learning and development tool. In an effort to focus my personal learning on the needs and interests of my community of teachers, I did a quick analysis of some of the post popular links I have shared on Twitter based on data from Buffer in the past three months. I thought our readers would be interested in the results.
- 30 Great Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers http://buff.ly/UxI7ag by @rmbyrne
- 10 Tools To Get Kids Excited About Programming http://buff.ly/U6ZIVo
- 10 resources inspiring improvements in education through #open #innovation |http://buff.ly/RJGPcK | #edtech
- 10 Strategies To Inspire Innovation and Fun In Projects | http://buff.ly/RaVeNK | #edchat#leadership #pblchat
- Why I still use textbooks | http://buff.ly/RXCwdY via @microbemamma | #edchat
- Making Educational Games for #Mobile @ Experimental Game Dev | http://buff.ly/TTBAVs #edtech#gbl — Great stories & lessons
Free & Productivity
- 5 ways to get more results in your teaching environment. | http://buff.ly/Uhqjwx | #cpchat #edchat
- 18 Free Mind Mapping Tools for Teachers and Students http://buff.ly/L2L6om
- 500 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for #Free | Open Culture http://buff.ly/whsuvm
- Investing in Better Feedback for Teachers | Impatient Optimists http://buff.ly/VP3ilO by @gatesed
- Microsoft Partners in Learning continues to support innovative teachers. http://buff.ly/V8QogR
- Vijay Kumar: Robots that fly … and cooperate – | http://buff.ly/V76Vlj — Amazing research!
Photo source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/56155476@N08/6659988943/sizes/m/in/photostream/