Highlights from NABT

Last week I had the great opportunity to attend the annual conference of the National Association of Biology Teachers in Atlanta. I learned a lot and was pretty overwhelmed by the end of each day. For my next few posts I want to spend a little time sharing some of my highlights from the experience. Today I will start with two talks that I attended on the first day of the conference.

“Climate Change, Oceans, and Waterborne Infectious Diseases: Prediction and Prevention”. Rita R. Colwell, Ph.D. This was the first session that I attended. Dr. Colwell is an amazing scientist and a former director of the National Science Foundation. Her topic, waterborne infectious diseases, is something that is near and dear to my heart. If there is one thing that we could do to improve overall global health, it would be to provide universal access to clean drinking water.

Dr. Colwell’s talk focused on cholera and how climate influences the incidence of the disease. She challenged the idea that it is a disease caused solely by inadequate sewage treatment, but pointed out that the causative agent, Vibrio cholerae, is commonly found in aquatic environments associated with copepods. During periods of increased temperate and rainfall, resulting increases in phytoplankton lead to increased numbers of copepods, and in turn, more Vibrio cholerae. They can actually predict outbreaks of cholera by monitoring environmental conditions like sea surface, temperature, salinity, rainfall, and chlorophyll.

As a teacher, what I took away from this talk was the importance of presenting concepts within a global context. It can be very easy to zero in on a particular topic and focus on the fine details, but if you don’t take a step back and put the concepts into context, you can get a skewed understanding. I was very familiar with how Vibrio cholerae causes disease, but I had never really contemplated the environmental context outside of the importance of clean drinking water and proper sewage disposal. I love learning about familiar topics with a fresh perspective!

“Lessons of a Half Life”. Paul Andersen a.k.a. Bozeman Biology. Paul Andersen is kindof a rock star in biology education. It was funny, people were lining up for pictures with him. If you are not familiar with his work, check out bozemanscience.com. He does these amazing YouTube videos on a wide variety of topics related to biology. They are great for reinforcing material in my introductory biology course.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from his talk. To be honest, I felt a little intimidated at this conference. I was not trained as an educator. My education and training have focused solely on biology and biomedical science, not teaching. I do my best as a teacher, and slowly, but surely I feel like I am getting my footing, but I was definitely over my head during several of the sessions that I attended. Mr. Andersen’s talk, however, was very approachable. He talked about his journey as a teacher, starting out at a school with around 50 students, to moving on to a school with several thousand (side note, my nephew will be attending that school next year, yikes!). One big take away from his talk was the importance of seeking out positive influences in your teaching journey. He is very interested in integrating technology in the classroom and formed an informal learning community with fellow teachers to bounce around and share ideas. This is something that I am excited about because we will be starting our own teaching circles next semester here on campus. I am hoping that they will be as fruitful for me as his was for him!

Those were just a few of the talks that I attended. Next time I will write about the sessions I attended on  implementing the ideas outlined in the document “2011 Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action”

Using “Coding Dojo” to Engage Learners and Have Fun

There are lots of ways to teach the craft of programming.  I have done my share of teaching programming through a lecture or working through a tutorial.   While the lecture has it’s place in learning, I enjoy learning new teaching methodologies that maximize creativity,  active learning, and fun.  In our Google Developer Group, we have utilizing a fun teaching practice called “Coding Dojo.”   A “Coding Dojo” is a meeting designed to teach software craftsmanship  to novice and experienced programmers by solving a focus puzzle problem.   During the course of the meeting, team members take turns contributing well crafted code to help solve the group puzzle problem.

Coding Dojos are promoted from the Software Craftsmanship movement.  The Dojo meeting style promotes values from the software craftsmanship manifesto:

“As aspiring Software Craftsmen we are raising the bar of professional software development by practicing it and helping others learn the craft. Through this work we have come to value:

  • Not only working software,  but also well-crafted software.
  • Not only responding to change, but also steadily adding value.
  • Not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals.
  • Not only customer collaboration, but also productive partnerships.”

What are the benefits of a Coding Dojo?

  • Engagement:  Dr. Laurie White from Mercer University encouraged us to try Dojo meeting format for some of our recent Google Developer Group(GDG) meetings.   During GDG, we regularly gather to explore exciting programming technologies from Google, open source, or web programming.   The college students seemed much more engaged in topics since they were actively learning and applying knowledge.   On top of that, we would collectively cheer when a team member got something working well.  How fun is that!?
  • Pair programming:  When you are creating code, team members work in pairs.   For 5 minutes, a team member acts as a coder.   The coder is supported by a co-pilot who tries to think ahead, plan the design, and guide the coder.   With every 5 minute time interval, the role of coder and co-pilot will be shifted.   The current coder becomes a co-pilot.   A coder is invited from the audience.
  • Cooking up good code: From an audience perspective, the conversations between the coder and the co-pilot feel like a cooking show.   It’s fun to see a master chef coach and a partner making a fine dish.  I personally enjoy Cake Boss.  In a similar fashion, novices learn from experienced programmers.   Novices often teach masters new tricks.
  • Working in “baby steps”:  Great software is created from small “baby steps” of well crafted code.   Coding Dojos promote the practice of “test driven development.”  (TDD)    You don’t get stuck!  You always have help!

How To Organize a Coding Dojo?

As you run a Dojo event, it’s important to promote an environment of respect and learning. The CodingDojo.org has a simple page sharing the agenda and principles for a Dojo. The following video provides a summary of the roles of the audience, co-pilot, coder, and sensai. (i.e. a master programmer who supports through questions).

Puzzles and Challenges For Coding Dojo

To introduce the idea of doing a coding Dojo, our group decided to start with a fairly simple programming puzzle called FizzBuzz.   It was fun doing this programming puzzle with experienced programmers and non-programmers.   You can find additional Coding Dojo Challenges at CodingDojo.org.

Kid Friendly Challenges: Looking for kid friendly coding dojo problems?  Check out http://kata.coderdojo.com/wiki/Main_Page .

In our last GDG meeting, we adapted the Dojo format to teach HTML5 Canvas programming.   The programming puzzle for the group was to draw the following picture using HTML5 canvas and JavaScript.

Goal Picture:

The final result was pretty fun:

We love to hear from YOU!.

What are your favorite ways to encourage active learning and increase engagement?


Join the Mercer University Google Developer on Google+  


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Ownership in education

Coaching in Teaching

How do we encourage our students to take ownership of their education? Over and over again I encounter students that want to sit passively in the classroom and receive knowledge. They expect me to tell them what they need to know and then the memorize the bare minimum necessary to pass the course. As soon as the semester is over, any knowledge they might have gained is quickly lost. This model of “education” is inherently flawed. It does not encourage life long learning, subject literacy, or critical thinking. Instead, it generates mindless drones.

My job is not to make students learn. I cannot do that against their will. Instead I see myself as a sort of personal trainer. I can point students in the direction of knowledge, but I cannot make them think. They must take an active role in the process. If someone buys a membership to a gym but never uses it, they will never get into shape. The same concept applies to the classroom. A student can pay thousands of dollars in tuition but never learn a thing.

As teachers there are many tools we can use in the classroom to encourage active learning. I am by no means an expert but here are a few of the things that I am trying to use to help my students take ownership of their education:

1) Make it relevant and relate able. One section of my introductory biology course where students really seem to get interested in the material is genetics. The subject is not easy but they can easily see how it can apply to their own lives. We spend a lot of time talking about inherited diseases like sickle cell anemia. I tell them stories about friends of mine that have a little boy with cystic fibrosis. I make it personal. There is a great Nova documentary called “Cracking Your Genetic Code” that discusses some of the real life implications of genetic testing. Together, these things provide my students with the context they need to see why learning this material is important.

2) Don’t talk at them, talk with them. I am totally guilty of this, especially this semester, but it is important to allow your students to engage in a conversation relevant to the course material. One thing that can help is to use case studies. I do this more in my microbiology course, but there are a lot of resources available for general biology courses as well (One great resource a comes from the College of Charleston and can be found here). Again, these provide relevance, while encouraging discussion.

3) Be smart about homework. In my introductory biology course I am using an online homework system that allows me to build pre lecture assignments that are designed to engage the students in the material before they come to class. They are relatively short And it is my hope that they might actually crack open the textbook before they enter the classroom each week. I also provide post lecture assignments that examine how well they understood the lecture content. I have mixed results with this approach. Some students seem to be much more engaged in the classroom after completing the assignments, but mostly I get a lot of complaints about how much work they have to do each week. I hope to continue to tweak this process in the future. I want to bring more of the homework problems into the classroom and use them as a platform for discussion.

Key Question: What have you found that can help engage students more deeply into the course material? One thing that I am hoping to explore more in the future is to use inquiry based labs. I’ll save that for another post later.

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Photo by John Brooks







3 Free Visual Analysis Tools to Help You Gain Insight Faster

Visual analysis of DNA

Visual data analysis help organizations make decisions and learn faster by leveraging our natural ability to visually detect patterns quickly.This presentation reviews the motivation to visual analytics research.  We also review demo visualizations from D3JS.org, Google Charts API, and other tools.

Check out D3JS.org to learn more about their awesome JavaScript visualization tools.

Programmer visualization tools

Visualization tools for non-programmers

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Photo attributed from lenards


David McCandless: The Beauty of Data Visualization

David McCandless turns complex data sets (like worldwide military spending, media buzz, Facebook status updates) into beautiful, simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections. Good design, he suggests, is the best way to navigate information glut — and it may just change the way we see the world.

This TED talk presents a timeless message for our modern age.   As we need to learn to manage information overload as a community, it’s interesting to consider that the demand for data visualization and critical analysis skills will only increase.


Key Questions: What kinds of questions would you like to explore using data visualization?   How can data visualizations enhance the stories that you share?


TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the “Sixth Sense” wearable tech, and “Lost” producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/translate. Watch a highlight reel of the Top 10 TEDTalks at http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/top10



Picture from here.