7 Great Lessons On Leadership and Business

John Maxwell on Leaders

My wife and I are raving fans of Dave Ramsey, Chris LoCurto, and their team.   As a teaching organization, they communicate their lessons about financial peace, leadership, and business development with clarity, passion and energy.   After listening to one of their Entreleadership lessons, I always feel I have a few ideas that I can use in my family and team today.

So, why should you care about Entreleadership?  I believe that leadership and education are highly correlated crafts.   John Maxwell in his book “Developing the Leader in You” has a great quote:  “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of a leader.”   A great deal of the book talks about creating great teams.  It would appear that educators and business leaders must both have the “heart of a teacher.”

Here are my seven favorite Entreleadership podcasts.    They have been life changing for me.  I hope they kickstart your leadership and teaching for 2016.

  • Start With Why with Simon Sinek: Dave defines EntreLeadership, and Simon Sinek joins Jon and Chris to talk about his book: Start With Why.
  • Servant Leadership with Dan Cathy: Dave describes “servant leadership” and why it is the only kind of leadership that works. Jon interviews Dan Cathy, President and COO of Chick-fil-A.
  • Start with a Dream & End With a Goal with Jon Acuff: Setting a true goal stretches you. It makes you reach for something that’s just beyond your reach. You have to be deliberate! Dave teaches today about how to set a goal as well as achieve it. As a special guest today we will also be talking with Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author Jon Acuff about his new book Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job & Your Dream Job.
  • Fear and Opposition with Jon Acuff: On today’s episode, Dave Ramsey shares on taking risks. Jon Acuff joins Chris LoCurto in the studio to discuss succeeding in the face of fear and opposition.
  • Personal Selling with Michael Hyatt: Michael Hyatt joins Chris LoCurto live in the studio to talk about his new book “Platform.” Dave Ramsey shares a lesson on personal selling.
  • Recognition with Leadership Freak Dan Rockwell: In this week’s episode, Dave will talk about the power of recognizing your team and catching them in the act of being awesome. This always leads to amplifying the success of your business. Blogger Dan Rockwell (Leadership Freak) will also be in the studio as a special guest.
  • What Makes a Great Leader? with Dave Ramsey: If you want to develop your leadership abilities or if you’re a business leader who wants to develop your team, this episode provides the answers and foundation to get you moving in the right direction. This week Dave Ramsey will be our guest discussing everything from his personal leadership style to what separates great leaders from good leaders.


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