Cool Projects and Makerspaces to visit at Atlanta Maker Faire 2016


  • OpenMV – “The OpenMV project is about creating low-cost, extensible, Python powered, machine vision modules”
  • Exploring 3D Printing through Assistive Technologies – “From eNable arms, customized and personalized tools, interfaces, adaptations and functional prototypes – explore how 3D printing can democratize access to and the making of assistive technologies.”
  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Team – “We are the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Team from Kennesaw State University. Our team builds robots for a international competition hosted by the navy every year in San Diego. The robots we create are submarines that operate autonomously.”
  • ALGIX 3D – “ALGIX 3D. 3D Printer Filament and Resin. High Performance. Environmentally Sustainable. Engineered to Perform.”
  • The Process: Launching a New Video Game App – “Our booth will consist of a work-in-progress video game developed by our high school students at The LIFE School. The booth will outline their journey in developing the game, key lessons learned and a hands -on demonstration of the game.”
  • Sumo Bot from Makerspace – “Build A Robot. Learn to Code. Have Some Fun. Sumo Robots, 3D Printing, Maker Space from Augusta! Come by and see what we make and do.”  This is the makerspace community that continues to inspire me in maker education.  Make sure to check them out!
  • The Invention Studio at Georgia Tech – “The Invention Studio at Georgia Tech is the nation’s largest student run maker space. In the studio, students are encouraged to design, build and invent regardless of their experience, major or year. Our booth will showcase various student projects.”
  • G3 Robotics & Drones for Good –  “G3 Drones for Good challenges students in grades 6-8 to design, build, and fly their own drone while developing team work, research, and problems-solving skills.”
  • Chaos Corps / Atlanta Robot Fight Club – “The Chaos Corps will be displaying their 250lb BattleBots entry Bombshell; Atlanta Robot Fight Club – Regional robot combat teams will have their personal combat robots on display.”
  • Decatur Makers – “Decatur Makers is a welcoming, family-friendly community of inquisitive, motivated people who work together in a safe environment to discover, understand, design and create interesting things”
  • Solarize Decatur-Dekalb
  • BootstrapCNC Router
  • Aquaponics: The Food Systems of Tomorrow

For a full list of projects, check out this link.



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