3D Modeling Workshop for Game Worlds, Art, and 3D Printing

Learning TinkerCAD

Through making and tinkering, participants will learn S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, engineering, art and math) skills using their hands, grow their creativity and become more curious about their world and testing the limits of what is possible.

All ages and experience levels are welcome and the workshops are a great activity for the entire family. Parents and kids can also both attend under the same registration fee!

Nov 12, 1-4pm

This Maker Skills Workshop will focus on 3D modeling. You will learn the basics of 3D modeling and designing objects for a 3D printer. Skills from this workshop will empower makers to build elements for video game worlds, art and 3D printed pieces. We will also provide demonstrations of our 3D printing equipment.


Google Cardboard
3D printed Google Cardboard

Student work in TinkerCADGame world built by our students.  


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