FireSarter: Entrepreneur & Innovation Community



Firestarter in Warner Robins,GA


Are you looking for a place in Warner Robins, GA to rapidly prototype a product or test a business concept?   Are you looking for a community to learn technical skills and grow your business concept?  Are you interested in learning more about the makers movement in Warner Robins, GA?   If you’re a business leader or maker in Middle, GA, make sure to attend the FireStarter meetup on April 30th.

If you follow this blog, you know that I serve as a founding member of SparkMacon Makerspace in Macon, GA.  Our community is VERY excited for the FireStarter community.   Our leadership team is actively finding ways that we can support and grow this community of business leaders and makers.   We hope to find ways for SparkMacon and FireStarter can collaborate.   From reviewing their website and materials, I’m excited to see the focus and direction of this community.

What kind of benefits can makerspaces and fab labs have on the local economy?  Check out the impact of another makerspace in Augusta, GA: .

If you care about fostering the makers movement in Middle, GA, make sure to attend the FireStarter meetup.   You won’t be disappointed.


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