5 Reasons To Think Carefully About Your Dreams and Design Your Career


I wanted to share a post I wrote to help motivate college students in designing their career as business leaders and paying attention to their dreams and passions.   I hope this post helps you as well.

In the book “EntreLeadership”, Dave Ramsey coaches business leaders to design their enterprises with the following phrase: “Start with a dream! End in a goal” .   As we help you design your life as an entrepreneur and business leader, we challenge you to dream big.

Think about a time in your life when you couldn’t wait to get out of bed and work on a project?  Think about a time where you were very passionate about working on something.   What were you doing? What strengths were you using?   Why are those moments so meaningful for you?

We challenge you to find the intersection between your strengths/passion, market needs, and what people will purchase.

Strength Need Pay

During our family road trips, my wife Sarah and I are very reflective in our conversations.   During a talk we had taking our kids to the zoo, we started to reflect upon the following question:  What does our dream job look like?  What type of work helps us feel passionate and excited about our day?   As we talked, I sketched out this funny little sketch.

Agile, Creativity, Business

During my most potent and engaged times of life, creativity, agile culture, and a spirit of caring for our community have been the magic ingredients of those moments.

  • As a choir director, I started learning the craft of continuous and incremental improvement with our team of volunteer music ministers.    I loved how collaborative and fun our choir was in making music.
  • As a software developer for a distance learning company, we were not supporting a cold sales process.   Our team was helping to connect adult learners with hope.   With the hope of getting a better education and degree, these learners can help their families and careers to thrive.
  • As an agile coach for a research institution, I really enjoy helping our software teams serve the community with creative software solutions.  It’s especially fun to help organizations find ways to streamline their processes and push the boundaries of knowledge and technology.


5  Reasons To Think Carefully About Your Dreams and Design Your Career.

1. Dreams and passions focus the design of your career:  Life is too short to do work that lacks meaning.   It’s very easy to let other people or the market to craft your personal career direction.    By thinking about your dreams and putting your dreams on paper, you are more likely to realize them.

2. Live your life with purpose:  Our generation is not satisfied with simply chasing careers that make money.   Our generation seeks meaning, to serve a higher purpose, and use our passions. Live a life uncommon.

3. Dreams and passion help you endure when times are challenging:  In the school of building a business or leading, you will face critics and failure.   If you’re doing something that matters, this will always happen.    If you decide to center your career path on your personal dreams and passions, you can motivate yourself to endure these challenging times.

4. The world needs you and your insight and creativity:  In the media, it’s very easy to find problems.   Entrepreneurs need to practice the craft of designing solutions.    The world needs leaders like you who aren’t going to sit around for someone else to care.   As business innovators, we need to work together to make the new apps that make a difference.   As leaders, we need to invent the new business models that inspire changes in health care, education, and our families.  Entrepreneurs are in the business of making positive change.

5. Design your career:  As you consider your dream, we encourage you to dream big.  No.  Dream bigger!  Take the time to write your dream on paper.   Take 20 to 30 minutes of quiet reflection.    Write down a few ideas of how you want to make a difference in the world in 5 years.   You are the captain of your ship of life.   Live your life with purpose.

Check out the following TEDx talk by Josh Levs.   Josh, a very passionate entrepreneur and journalist, challenges us to achieve the impossible by breaking the system.

Photo from http://www.flickr.com/photos/jakeandlindsay/5524669257/sizes/m/in/photostream/


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