How to build Paper Stomp Rockets

Stomp Rocket Launcher

Building paper stomp rockets can be a fun way to engage students and your kids in learning about experimentation, designing by iteration, and aerodynamics.  Let me put extra emphasis on fun!!  My kids have really loved this build.    In anticipation for a local arts, technology, and maker festival in Macon, GA, I wanted prepare a small project that would help engage my kids and other young makers.   We first discovered building paper stomp rockets at the Atlanta Mini Maker Faire.   We were instantly hooked!!  As an added benefit, it’s pretty inexpensive and easy to build.

Here’s the instructions we followed to construct our platform.  We made a few modifications since we had extra parts in our garage.

Here’s a few more designs for your reference:

Here’s another design from .

We can’t wait to share this project with our friends .  If you’re in the Macon, GA area, make sure to join us at the Make End festival.

Middle Georgia Makers and Georgia makerspaces will be exhibiting their projects, art, and crafts on November 14th to 15th at Tattnall Square Park in Macon, GA.   The festival seeks to inspire the next generation of creative tech professionals, creative artists and showcase the economic strengths of the region.

Make end


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python  This interactive tutorial provides a fun way to get started with python programming and many other languages.   People learn best when you see a new idea and immediately apply it.  Code academy was designed with this learning pattern in mind.  You are coached to immediately apply every new programming concept in an online code edit.  This book provides a disciplined and thoughtful content for learning to code in python.   Check it out!

Invent with Python by Al Sweigart: The book provides a gentle introduction to programming and using Python for simple 2D games.   The book uses PyGame for the game framework. : This is another free book that I used when learning how to program in python.   It’s probably more appropriate for experienced programmers.  So… you’ve heard about this $35 computer called the Raspberry PI.  But what can you do with it?   Check out this magazine online for free from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.   It’s very well put together and shares tons of fun project ideas.  Makers young and old will find the content engaging and fun.




Join us at SparkMacon MakerSpace for

Building Web Apps using Python and HTML

Join professional web developer, Stephen Finney, to learn how to start making cool stuff for the web. This workshop will cover basic concepts, including building views using HTML and writing simple controllers/handlers using Python, and the Flask framework. This is the same kind of technology used in companies like Google and Stephen will show you all you need to know to get started.This session is scheduled for

2/28 from 1pm to 4pm.

Cost is $35.

Please register here:

Stephen is a good a friend, amazing programmer and teacher.  I know you’ll have a fun time learning with him!

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