- Invent with Python by Al Sweigart: The book provides a gentle introduction to programming and using Python for simple 2D games. The book uses PyGame for the game framework.
- Designing Games with Kodu Game Lab: Kodu is an amazing visual programming environment for games by Microsoft research. This guide helps prepare teachers and mentors to teach the game development environment.
- The Complete Guide to Building HTML5 Games with Canvas and SVG: This blog post provides a nice collection tutorials introducing SVG and Canvas. Both technologies enable you to create browser based games.
- Dive into HTML5 : This book provides an introduction to advanced features of the browser like HTML5 and Canvas tag . Drawing in the browser is very fun. This book helps those interesting in making HTML5 games.
- Easy GML by Drew Bach: Game Maker is a great tool to introduce 2D game programming. This free guide helps introduce the core concepts and the script language. (GML)
- Unity3dStudent.com : Unity is a big player in the professional game developer market. It enables you to create cross platform video games. This site provides free teaching introducing the tools and concepts.
- OpenGameArt.org : This site provides a collection of open game art, music, and sound that can support your game development.
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- 17 Fun Tools To Teach Kids To Code by @ChrisBetcher
- Benefits of Teaching Kids To Code That No One Is Talking About
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- 5 reasons to love Khan academy for computer science
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