This week I’ve been at a regional conference for microbiology. Although most of the talks and presentations have focused on research and applied science, we did spend some time yesterday morning on microbiology education. We discussed several strategies for improving microbiology education including collaborative group work, cross disciplinary studies and service learning. Today I want to take a little time to talk about the concept of service learning in the science classroom.
Laura Regassa from Georgia Southern University gave a presentation on the strategy they implemented in their graduate program in biology. In short, their service learning program is designed to partner master’s level graduate students with local high school teachers to bring applied biotechnology resources into the classroom. Similarly, Anna Karis from the University of Georgia discussed engaging undergraduate microbiology students in leading educational activities for students from the local school system.
I found this idea particularly interesting for two reasons. The first is that it addresses a problem that I constantly struggle with: student engagement. My students, primarily non-majors, have a hard time connecting with their subject material. The second is that this approach provides a win-win situation. Anytime you are required to teach material you learn it better. By encouraging the college students to mentor younger students it provides an opportunity to delve deeper into the subject matter. The students from the local public schools benefit from the increased instructional resources and seeing students, not unlike themselves, engaging in science.
I am now thinking of ways that I can bring this idea back to my own college. Right now, I am considering integrating undergraduate biology students into some of our on-campus programs in which local middle and high school students come in for a day and participate in events like the Academic Contest and Science Olympiad. What ways do you think we can connect college students with the local school systems?