The web isn’t a stale bag of text and pictures. In our web browser, we can use Google maps to navigate and explore the world. The browser enables us to play games, communicate, and learn using media. Google, Microsoft, and many other players have worked hard to improve the speed and capabilities of the web by improving a core programming language in all web browsers: JavaScript.
If you’re looking for a way to start learning how to program, to build interactive experiences, to build mobile applications, or build games, the JavaScript language has become a solid platform that exists in every web browser.
Douglas Crockford is a profound thinker and author in the JavaScript space. He observes that programmers need to take time to learn the language well. Programmers often make the mistake of simply “copying and pasting” JavaScript code around without understanding some of the basic assumptions of the language. I’ve collected a collection of tools and books to help programmers get started. I’ve also included links that would benefit professional developers on HTML5, debugging tools, and node.js .
- Eloquent JavaScript : This is a nice e-book introduction to JavaScript. I enjoy the discussion of object oriented JS.
- Code Academy : This online tutorial is awesome. You learn JavaScript in small steps and immediately apply your knowledge completely in the browser.
- Introduction to Chrome Developer Tools : Just getting started in web programming? Make sure to review this tutorial to learn how to use Chrome’s debugging tools.
- W3Schools : This site provides a reference for all web technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript .
- Khan Academy on CS : Khan Academy is rocking the world of computer science with their fun introduction to programming through Processing.js and JavaScript. The presentation is very engaging.
- JavaScript Enlightment : Here’s another nice e-book on JavaScript.
- Mozilla JavaScript Guide : While this book provides an introduction to JavaScript, this guide also provides hints regarding the future of the language.
- Dive into HTML5 : This book provides an introduction to advanced features of the browser like HTML5 and Canvas tag . Drawing in the browser is very fun. This book helps those interesting in making HTML5 games.
- Essential Design JavaScript design patterns : Over time, software engineers have created names for common code patterns. This free book provides a cool discussion of design patterns using the JavaScript language using examples for JQuery .
- Getting Started with Node.js : If you’re interested in learning how to use JavaScript on the server, this collection of links from StackOverflow will be very helpful.
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